Wednesday, November 27, 2019


COMPARACION DE LA S DOCTRINA S DE LAS OPERACIONES DE DEFENSA MOVIL ENTRE LOS EJERCITO S DE PERU Y DE BRASIL. INTRODUCCION . Resumen del trabajo . El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad hacer un breve estudio de las doctrinas militares para operaciones defensivas de los ejercitos del Peru y Brasil, particularmente la defensa movil; asimismo realizar una comparacion entre ambas para determinar ciertas ventas y desventajas de cada un a de ellas . Finalmente presentar algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones que pueden ser consideradas en ambas doctrinas. La doctrina militar de los ejercitos obedece a la situacion estrategica que vive su pais. En el caso de Peru y Brasil sus situaciones estrategicas difieren particularmente en virtud de las amenazas que e nfrentan en el contexto mundial (externo) e interno, asi como de sus aspiraciones nacionales que son productos de esa realidad; sin embargo, compartimos situaciones problematicas similares y que podemos enfrentarl as juntos como es el caso de la proteccion y soberania de la amazonia, el trafico de ilicitos a traves del Amazonas y sus afluentes, asi como a lo largo de nuestra extensa frontera. Tambien compartimos intereses estrategicos comerciales al formar juntos, el eje de desarrollo Atlantico - Pacifico. Todos estos aspectos han motivado la iniciativa de ambos paises de integrar lazos politicos y comerciales la cual involucra la integracion de nuestros ejercitos a un nivel de intercambio doctrinario y academico, es asi que desde el ano 2003 tenemos en el Peru oficiales del ejercito brasilero como profesores y alumnos en nuestras escuelas de perfeccionamiento, tambien, nosotros tenemos oficiales alumnos en el ejercito brasilero. Situacion estrategica de Peru . El Peru atraviesa hoy una bonanza economica y relativa estabilidad social (producto de la misma) sin embargo, aun enfrentamos el descontento social fruto de la desigualdad y la desconfianza en los gobernantes, el poder judicial y otras instituciones del estado. La seguridad nacional se ve seriamente afectada debido a que aun enfrentamos el problema del terrorismo en el VRAEM , el TID y el crimen organizado; en lo referente a l a Integridad Territorial (que en un sentido amplio implica tanto la integridad territorial interna como la externa: fronteras) el Peru ha descuidado la participacion constitucional de la FFAA en este pilar, la explotacion de recursos minerales a traves de contratos oficiados por el gobierno carecen la evaluacion o aprobacion de "quien es responsable de la integridad territorial", lo que ha ocasionado grandes protestas de descontento popular. Asimismo, el problema de la mineria ilegal y tala ilegal proyectan problemas mayores que aun no asume frontalmente el gobierno y en donde tiene competencia las FFAA. En el ambiente externo, es conocido la estrategia (a gran escala y que ya esta en curso: brazo economico) e intencion de Chile por poseer nuestros patrimonios directa o indirectamente, sabemos asimismo la crisis energetica e hidrica que afronta y afrontara en un futuro cercano lo que le obligara a tomar medidas drasticas. Todos estos aspectos configuran un escenario inestable para lo cual, ademas de ser conscientes, debemos estar preparados. Situacion estrategica de Brasil . Brasil comparte muchos de nuestros problemas internos (a excepcion del terrorismo) los estan representados por la inestabilidad social fruto del descontento frente a sus gobernantes y la falta de seguridad interna (alto nivel de crimen organizado). Asimismo, la mala reparticion de riquezas que establece picos elevados de poblacion rica, asi como valles extremos de pobreza (mayores al Peru). En la parte externa, Brasil nos adelanta en su preocupacion de "ser permanentemente conscientes" de la problematica que enfrentan, particularmente en la soberania exclusiva, proteccion y conservacion de la selva amazonica. Este problema ocupa seriamente su preocupacion debido a la amenaza constante de paises, organismos e organizaciones internacionales que utilizan como mascaras ciertos personajes y circulos de poder; ellos pretenden aduenarse de su gran valor para obtener sus frutos so pretexto de su cuidado en calidad de bio -reserva mundial. Es por ello que Brasil, ha asumido el papel de "padre protector" que busca "hermanos e hijos aliados" pues comprende que esta labor no podra realizarla solo, razon suficiente para justificar nuestra integracion reciente. ANALISIS Resumen de la doctrina en operaciones defensivas del ejercito del Peru. La doctrina de defensa del Ejercito del Peru,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Love Death Hate Life essays

Love Death Hate Life essays Through the film, The Bride of Frankenstein, the Pygmalion myth is revised and also, abused. It is almost a complete revision of the original Pygmalion myth, in regards to the idea that, the film, The Bride of Frankenstein, is actually a continuation of Galateas point of view after creation, with Galatea being represented by the Frankenstein Monster. The film follows the characters through their struggles, fears, and desires. Desire is the key component to the endlessly troublesome events that take place in the film. To create Frankenstein, the body parts of deceased humans were stolen from their graves and tombs to later be sown together to create the monster. Dr. Frankenstein wanted to create life not through normal reproduction, but through scientific experimentation. Once the body parts were sown together, Dr. Frankenstein ran bolts of electricity through the body to instill life into his newly formed creature. The experiment proved a success until Frankensteins creature realized his physical strength (and therefore, power over others), and sought independence from the Doctor (only after first attempting to kill him by way of the windmill). Frankensteins only desire was to be accepted by human beings; He wished to be treated and acknowledged as an equal. The Pygmalion myth takes place in ancient Greece where Pygmalion was a creative sculptor and beloved king. Creating the woman of his desires is his ultimate goal. After his statue is virtually finished, Pygmalion prays to Venus to bring his ivory figure to life. Frankensteins creator, Dr. Frankenstein, portrays Pygmalion. Pygmalion was a highly regarded king in his era. Like Pygmalion, Dr. Frankenstein possesses a rather high position in society. He achieved this stature through his impressive inventions. Both Pygmalion and Dr. Frankenstein are loathed by their creations. Frankenstein is created in Dr. Frankensteins lab in Gene...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tata International Marketing Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tata International Marketing Analysis - Essay Example In developing countries like China, India, and Brazil the demand is a great demand for small cars, where the reason is that the majority of the population belongs to the mid-class and prefer small cars rather than highly expensive luxury cars (Enderwick, 2012). Similarly, the rise of oil imports in the developed countries like US has lead to higher demand for fuel efficient cars. This has somehow promoted small car models, which are highly fuel efficient and cost effective (Enderwick, 2012). This study will give a detailed analysis of Tata Motors Company in order to understand how much enterprise is successful in its ultra-low cost car brand â€Å"Tata Nano† (McLoughlin & Aaker, 2010). The analysis will evaluate Tata Nano’s international marketing strategy with respect to the global market segments. The learning objectives in the study are to understand the position of Tata Nano market and to know how Tata Motors is compelling with its International marketing strategies (Kotler, 2009, pp.46). Background to Tata Motors Tata Motors is one of the major car manufacturing companies of Tata Group, the most recognized group in the Indian conglomerate market. The group is present in 85 countries across the world with a workforce population of 300,000 people working at the same time (Weihrich & Cannice, 2010). The Tata Group has founded 98 companies working in different market and business segments. All of this shows that The Tata Group is a leading benchmark in the Indian stock market and it is with a unified presence in the world’s multinational spectrum (Weihrich & Cannice, 2010, pp.103). Tata Motors is one of the stemming companies of the Tata Group. Along with the manufacturing of different car segments like trucks, trailers, and passenger cars, Tata Motors had found a distinctive recognition in India especially in passenger cars like Tata Nano (Akhanov et al., 2009). The car has become popular just because of its Ultra-Low Cost feature. It has touched the hearts of million Indians, who love the car just because of its cheap and easy to afford characteristics. Tata Motors holding a 15-20 percent share in the Indian passenger car market has stabilized a good position domestically, but due to low international sales volume the brand is weak in the global market domain (Akhanov et al., 2009). Analysis and Assessment of Tata Nano Theory of Blue Ocean Strategy â€Å"In a market there are two formats of industries, red oceans and blue oceans. Red oceans are old industries present with conventional norms and settings in the market while blue oceans are untouched market segments, where there is a space to adjust new products with new trends† (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Practice It was the fiscal 2008 when Tata Motors launched Nano on a global stage. The launch ranked the car to the World’s cheapest cars category, where it got available in the price US$2,230. This was the first time that India retrieved such cheapest ca r, which included all the features of a brand new car with the drastic attribute of affordability (Pride & Ferrell, 2011, pp.652). The Nano brought lots of expectations for Tata Motors, where the effort has been to promote it in the European corners. In this respect, the company follows extensive growth strategies to bring the car on the International market segment, where there is a need to understand the global low-cost